Каникулы в Новой Зеландии: Очаровательная прогулка вдоль реки

16 Ноябрь, 2013


Manghity Falls / Mangatini Falls

From dives to the site of the wreck of a ship, caused a political scandal to the best star-watching conditions in the Southern Hemisphere in the world, If you have time, to take a fresh look at familiar places.

Keep lesser-known attractions description – natural pearls of New Zealand (Start: Озеро Пукаки и Заповедник Темного Неба Аораки Маккензи, Read it here).

Очаровательная прогулка вдоль реки / Charming Creek Walk



Around 10 km from the old mining village of Seddonville / Seddonville, you'll find a piece of the recent past. Here lies the Charming River Valley, that will give you a charming walk along it - a natural attraction called Charming Creek Walk.

It used to be a branch of a railway line to transport the area's thriving coal and timber mining. The charming walk along the river involves a journey through a multitude of winding and intricate abandoned tunnels and tunnels, overgrown with dense shrub and leads its way to the top overlooking the majestic Mangatini Falls / Mangatini Falls.

The whole journey takes about 3 hours from start to finish and ends in the local pub town of Seddonville.


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