Квинстаун, Новая Зеландия: история и современность (part 2)

21 January, 2014


Today Queenstown is also the home of bungee jumping, adventure tourism and eco-tourism.

Besides, around the same time, as the Australian gold rush in Ballarat and Bendigo, gold was discovered in the local rivers Arrow and Shotover and created a real boom in the region pilgrimage by fans fast buck and all sorts of adventurers.

Today, Queenstown adventure options include hiking, trip on a gondola, Lake cruises, kayaking, sightseeing flights, hot air ballooning, parachute and bungee jumping.

But there are also wine tours, for connoisseurs, which to taste world-famous Wine «Pinot Noir» and, White and sparkling wines from nearby Cromwell, Bannochburna and Alexandra.

Vineyard in Jejmisfild, that produces "Pinot Noir" and aromatic white wines.

Famous vineyards include scope Jejmisfild, where you can dine almost among the grapes, and scenic settings in such wine-producing regions, like Acarua, Peregrine and Carrick resemble the Tuscany region of Italy.
For lovers of haute cuisine restaurant try Rata, who is star Michelin chefs, But if you find yourself in a late night feed, You can't go past the famous gamburgernoj Ferburger / Fergburger, which is open all night until the early hours of the morning.



Бутик-отель The Spire, Квинстаун.Queenstown is renowned for its boutique hotels, such as The Spire and Eichardts, in the first there are large, beautiful rooms, and the second is a five-star hotel with an excellent bar to meet friends.


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