‘Новая Зеландия’

10 лучших автомобильных маршрутов по Новой Зеландии, Part 3


Линдис Пасс / Lindis Pass

Lindis Pass



Fairly well known car route, Lindis Pass is long, the winding path, connecting the city of Cromwell and Omarame through the valleys of the Lindis and Ahuriri. However, it is best to make this trip during the winter months, When a whopping, snow-capped mountains grow into the sky creating like otherworldly landscape. Read the rest of this entry »

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10 лучших маршрутов на авто по Новой Зеландии, Part 2

Glenorchy / Glenoarchy. Новая Зеландия. Photo: Akos Kokai.

This is a continuation of the article describing the 10 the best routes in the NHS, which are recommended to be done by car. Start of article here.


3. Куинстаун – Glenorchy. Read the rest of this entry »

10 лучших автомобильных поездок в Новой Зеландии

The road near the city of Kvistown / Queestown. Photo: Yussarian.

The beauties in the vastness of New York are well documented and during your road trip, you can basically move from one tourist landmark to another, not particularly deviating from the recommendations mentioned in the guidebooks. Read the rest of this entry »

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