Australia soon threatened with flooding

17 October, 2010


By post, Australia soon threatened with flooding, dense layers of clouds shut down from the Sun's rays North and East of the country and heavy rains. Over the past 24 hours in the East of Australia grows from precipitation 57 before 86 mm.

In the North of the continent precipitation ranged from 56 before 77 mm. According to the statement of the authorities «If in the coming days the rain will not stop, will be flooded by Roklej, Windsor, Tumbul, Deagon, Jeshgrouv, Albion, Bulimba, Chelmer as and Tennyson».



Under the threat of flooding is the capital of the Australian state of Queensland. For the first time 1999 were opened in the five gateways Uivenho in trying to manage the water level in the state.

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