Flooding in Australia, worst flooding in the past 75 Years

13 Январь, 2011


After numerous prolonged rains, the water level in the rivers Квинсленда and the north New South Wales rose to 9 метров, а в некоторых реках до 16 метров, which caused flooding 2/3 The territory of Australia.  The flood area exceeds the size of France and Germany.

Since November about 50 Queensland and the North New South Wales were recognized as disaster areas. In some areas, the current flooding is the strongest in recent years. 75 Years, said the leader of the opposition Tony Abbott.



As a result of the floods, more than 200 thousands of people and the elements do not recede. In the area of the city of Rockhampton, the airport is closed, Mayor, in which live about 75 thousands of population, Warns, that the water in the river Fitzroy continues to rise, and floods may be affected 40% of all residential buildings of the city.

In Emerald with population 13 thousands of, 1200 people were evacuated from the districts, covered with water. Floods have caused significant damage to the cities of central Queensland – Bundaberg, Mandaberra, Geinda, citrus tree plantings affected. Queensland authorities announce the creation of a fund to help victims.

Flooding may last in some parts of the country for several more weeks. According to preliminary calculations, the economic damage already exceeds 6 billion dollars. This amount includes the cost of clearing the affected land., Rehabilitation of infrastructure, insurance and compensation payments.

Emergency services delivered 250 tons of essentials in Rockhampton, 1500 tons of food were delivered by truck to townsville areas, McKay and Cairns. The Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Friday visited areas of Queensland, affected by floods.

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