Australia has allowed shooting great white sharks

29 Сентябрь, 2012


Despite the fact that white sharks in the last ten years were considered a protected species, the Australian Government has allowed shooting great white sharks, considering safety of tourists is more important than sharks.

Shooting Great White Sharks, threaten holidaymakers, allowed in Western Australia, Now the authorities can catch and kill sharks, swim up too close to a bathing. Previously, the sharks could be hunted only after specific attacks on human.



Decision to allow hunting great white sharks, Australian authorities have taken in relation to the increasing incidence of white shark attacks on tourists, since last year in the coastal waters of the State of Western Australia shark become more aggressive. The attacks of white sharks in the past 100 years were recorded 12 Deaths and 5 of these cases occurred in 2011 Year, Since the summer of power in Western Australia after a series of accidents involving these predators, led to death banned dive tourists in cells in order to observe sharks.

Among other measures to protect tourists, Australian authorities have provided the purchase of personal watercraft for rescue and increased patrolling the coast by helicopter.
The head of the state government Western Australia Colin Barnett said - «For us, life and safety of tourists is more important than sharks. After all, It's just a fish – let us to prioritize».

Off the coast of Australia there are more than a hundred species of sharks, but most of them are not aggressive. The most dangerous are white, tiger shark and bull, although they do not usually appear in crowded beaches. White sharks prefer cool and temperate waters of southern Australia, while tiger sharks are more common in the northern tropical waters of the continent.

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