‘Community News’

Australia has allowed shooting great white sharks


Despite the fact that white sharks in the last ten years were considered a protected species, the Australian Government has allowed shooting great white sharks, considering safety of tourists is more important than sharks.



Shooting Great White Sharks, threaten holidaymakers, allowed in Western Australia, Now the authorities can catch and kill sharks, swim up too close to a bathing. Previously, the sharks could be hunted only after specific attacks on human.

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This is also interesting:



Artificial insemination crocodiles

In the north-east of Australia in Queensland, which is washed by the waters of the north Gulf of Carpentaria and the Coral Sea Pacific, and in the east - the Pacific Ocean, conduct artificial insemination crocodiles.

Artificial insemination crocodiles for the first time in history, and this is happening in the Australian state of Queensland.

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Australians receive an SMS with the threat of murder

Hundreds of Australians Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and other large Australian cities in the states South Australia, Квинсленд and New South Wales, SMS received sinister death threats.

Unknown Australian terrorist sent hundreds of subscribers SMS threatening to kill them. He also wrote, what to do, to stay alive. Get a message advised to contact the killer e-mail and send a ransom of 1 тыс. before Thdс. USD.

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