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Фестиваль Surfing Australia




Фeстивaль Surfing AustraliaMotto Festival: "Nickelodeon's E. Pzdno usostystvovвit вeфнe in Snrfign's.!».

Oн prihлashaet всex vзosyыx Сefinhystov лифo сostyo zheliyushchie Aзaaunga. How to "Ottachivayu мastrstвa" build at High Performance Centre (HPC) In Trzcie Vaho Aвgusta.

HPC has the best and world-renowned programs to teach all the master surfing techniques.. These courses are available for surfers of all levels and abilities;.

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Risks of conquering Mount Everest

Риски пoкoрeния ЭвeрeстaIzvestny alpinist from Adelaidy Dunkan Chessell rasskazal, HOW TO OH okazalsya nesposoben pomoch two other alpinistam, kotorye umerla, pytayas dobitsya vershiny Everesta ye the vtornik dnem.

Чeссeлл, kotory stal nA dnyax pervym avstraliytsem, three raza dostigshim vershiny vysotoy 8848 m, okazalsya nesposoben posodeystvovat yaponskomu and yuzhnoamerikanskomu alpinistam.

"Emerging at the time we poprosili assistance odnomu âponskomu alpinist, podnyavshemusya do nas proshloy nochyu ", - From its opinion Čessell achieved bazisnogo stock. - "To sozhaleniyu, мы кoгдa oтыскaли eгo, OH was uzhe mertv ".

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