News Australia

‘Community News’

A new wave of initiatives to accelerate the adoption of high-speed railway project in Australia


Скоростной поезд Синкансэн, Япония.

Shinkansen - system of high-speed trains in Japan. Photo: IStock



People on both sides of the political establishment of Australia increasingly say, that country needs high-speed rail system, a similar system of Japan's Shinkansen high-speed trains. Read the rest of this entry »

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Дан зеленый свет для строительства гигантской 274 м башни в деловом районе Брисбена

Брисбен Скайтауэр / Brisbane Skytower.

Draft Tower, known as the Brisbane Skajtaujer / SkyTower, that will be the tallest building in Brisbane.

The construction of the tallest building in Brisbane was given the green light, Tower height: 274 m estimated cost $ 1 Billion. USD. Read the rest of this entry »

Христианство – «самая густонаселенная» мировая религия

Worship at Christmas at the Cathedral of St. Paul, Melbourne. Photo: Josie Hayden.

Christians are the largest religious group in the world, numbering about 2,2 Billion. person, According to a study by the Pew Forum (Pew Forum), dedicated to the study of religion and public life.

The Pew Forum has gathered data on the size and geographic distribution of eight major religious groups, including unbelievers. Read the rest of this entry »

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