Христианство – «самая густонаселенная» мировая религия

16 Сентябрь, 2014


Worship at Christmas at the Cathedral of St. Paul, Melbourne. Photo: Josie Hayden.

Christians are the largest religious group in the world, numbering about 2,2 Billion. person, According to a study by the Pew Forum (Pew Forum), dedicated to the study of religion and public life.

The Pew Forum has gathered data on the size and geographic distribution of eight major religious groups, including unbelievers.

It has been established, Christians make up about 32 per cent of the world's population, and then there are the Muslims, the second largest group, with 1,6 Billion. adherents.

The Indians were the third group, with nearly one billion people (15 Percent), then come the Buddhists – 500 миллионов (seven per cent) and the Jews, they are 14 млн. (0,2 per cent of the worlMillionpulation).

Demographic studies conducted in more than 230 countries and territories worldwide, have shown, that more than eight people from 10, Ie. about 5,8 billion people, identify themselves with any religious group.



More 400 millions of people (six percent) practice various folk traditions, including African traditional, Aboriginal tradition or folk religions, According to a global poll.

The Pew Forum said, that in the process of research, in which religion was based on self-identification, did not attempt to measure the degree of, in which practitioners observe all rites, the rules of their faith.

With regard to Australians, that claim, that love Christmas and spend billions on Christmas celebration of Jesus Christ, According to the report, they lose their religiousness.

Studies conducted in Australia revealed, A what 4,8 Million, or 22 Percent, Australians are not committed «no religion» in the Census 2011 year, 25 percent listed themselves as Catholics, and 17 per cent by the Anglican Church.

For the last 100 Years, According to the national census reporting, the ratio of Australians, claiming, that they do not belong «None of the religions» has grown from one to 250 in 1911, to more than one to five 2011 Year.

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