The Council calls for the establishment of Salisbury-gate barrier at all stations

8 Октябрь, 2013


The express train hurtles through Elizabeth station.

Automatic barriers gates for pedestrians must be installed at all stations on the Gawler railway line after the, as a 21-year-old woman was hit by a train in the South of Salisbury.

Deputy Mayor of Salisbury Chad Buchanan said, that asks the Board to send the offer in public administration calling for the revision of the pedestrian safety at railway stations, in connection with the accident at the station Tuesday in Chidda, 1 October.

Police are still investigating the incident, but witnesses placed his opinion on Facebook, that woman proschitalas relative to the speed of the approaching train while crossing the tracks at a pedestrian crossing.

According doctors State women stable, but she is in the intensive care unit.

Mr. Buchanan believes, that pedestrian gate must be installed on the 30 line stations.

«It is a good idea, I would report it at the next meeting of the Council, We write to the State Government that this measure be taken», says Mr. Buchanan.

The Mayor of Salisbury, Ms. Gillian Eldredge also believes, that automatic gates are required at all stations and urged residents to be cautious when crossing the railway lines.



«Residents should be aware of the dangers and should have some personal responsibility for their actions», said Ms. Eldridge.

Passengers in the unfortunate train-train going from Mawson lakes in Salisbury were forced to remain onboard for two hours, While emergency crews took part in evacuation of affected women and liberated way.

Pedestrian gates at crossings with road transport in Salisbury were established six years ago as part of $ 2 Million. security update program in response to an accident, occurred in 2002 G. involving trains and buses Hahn, When four people died.

A spokesman for the Department of Transport said, that security measures at stations constantly revised, to protect the public and staff in Adelaide Metro.

She said, that increased safety at any 30 stops on the Gawler line will not be considered, until the police finished the investigation of accident, occurred on Tuesday.



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