Leakage of toxic compounds in the production company Orica

23 Август, 2011


Major Australian multinational chemical industry, the world's largest explosives Orica, which has its production 50 countries of the world recognized, at one of its production sites leaked toxic hexavalent chromium, and the second time in two weeks.

According to a representative of Orica, sewage, arsenic content that exceeds acceptable values,Hit in Hunter River Near the city Newcastle, staff New South Wales.In addition,, Reportedly, a small amount of hexavalent chromium was ejected due to a leak in the kuragang area and nearby Stockton, which is toxic and can cause cancer in humans.



NEW SOUTH Wales Premier Barry O'Farrell says, that information about toxic compounds will be passed on to experts for independent investigation. He expressed dissatisfaction with the failure of chemical giant Orica to comply with environmental legislation, which led to a threat to the environment and caused public concern.

Also recently Orica representatives held a public meeting with residents affected by the leakage area, who were dissatisfied with the lack of timely notification of the incident. After all, even small doses of hexavalent chromium can cause cancer in humans, and they have been exposed to this toxic compound in a long time.

In response to claims by residents, company Orica said, that of the first leak of toxic compounds reported to the authorities on ecology through the 16 hours after the accident, a time limit, statutory, Is 24 hours, however, the government did not warn the public about it in three days.

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