The mass strike of the border – Australian Customs Service

13 October, 2011


All international Airports in Australia Thursday 13 October 2011 year, there was a mass strike by border – Australian Customs Service. The basic requirement of strikers is higher wage demands for border- Customs.

Secretary of the National Union of employees of airports Nadine Flood said, "Passengers, arriving in Australia from- Abroad, must be prepared, To that, that the process of passing through customs inspection will be quite long". "Undoubtedly, Strike will cause our customers a lot of inconvenience, however, this is the only way to get local authorities to raise wages.", that the union rejected the Australian federal government's proposal to raise the salaries of border workers- Customs 9% within three years, motivating, that the growth of inflation in the country is higher than the proposed 3,6%.



So, during the day, the strikers plan several hour-long "breaks", during which passengers will be forced to stand in long queues. In this regard,, the country's largest carrier – the company was forced to cancel, at least, 14 flights and change the schedule yet 30 Flights, that in turn, will lead to the cancellation of more 100 flights during the week.

Meanwhile, border guards- Customs officers joined the ground service Sydney Airports, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Gold Coast and Cairns Airport, including porters and cleaners.

Engineers at Qantas on Friday and plan to join the strikers, stopping the work for four hours.

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