Crocodile Large Wendell chose Tony Abbott as prime minister

4 Сентябрь, 2013


much tastier ... large Wendell, crocodile from Darwin, predicts Tony Abbott as the next Prime Minister of Australia

This result, the Australians were looking forward to. The famous crocodile Large Wendell, chose to, who he believes will win the election, namely Tony Abbott - leader of the opposition Coalition of Liberals.
Rating of the Labour Party at a primary fell to 36%.



In the first round 5,5 meter, 800 pound crocodile threw avatar Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to the ground, to leave Mr. Abbott's stand.
Those around me had mixed thoughts about the fact that, that perhaps it was a draw or the decision is at least postponed until Saturday.
But after reinstalling the pieces of meat and figurines., the crocodile eventually grabbed a piece with the leader of the opposition.
The verdict from the staff was unequivocal – he chose Mr. Abbott.
For a while, it even seemed., что никакие уговоры или различные куски мяса не смогли заставить его отказаться от своей позиции выбора.

Manager, responsible for the content and ability to live crocodile, Huffman said Wade, that he had already spoken with two people, who said, that they would vote for, Who chose Wendell.
Wendell was named in the news after rugby star Wendell Sailor and is the second largest crocodile in Australia, being in captivity.
His predecessor Harry crocodile predicted the winner of the World Cup and a woman Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard as the winner of the previous election.

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