Continuation of the list of promises

3 Сентябрь, 2013


Тони Эбботт позирует с кандидатом Сарой Хендерсон и персоналом в местном кафе в пригороде Джилонга

Tony Abbott poses with candidate Sarah Henderson and staff at a local cafe in the Geelong suburbs

The two major political parties in Australia, going to the parliamentary elections, continue to make promises, to get as many votes as possible. Whether they will remain empty promises on paper or will be implemented in practice soon everyone will know. There are only three days left before the election.

Here The beginning of promises and hereextension.

If you are unemployed …

Labour wants to spend $ 35 Million. within three years, to provide about 8900 unemployed job seekers for work experience and employment training, so they can learn their skills, such as language, literacy and numeracy.

Coalition vows to give benefits to young people $ 2500, those people, who were unemployed during the 12 months or more and are on a "new start" or have obligations to work, or they get a job below the living wage within one year. $ 4000, if they stay off welfare for two years.

The Liberals will also provide up to $ 6000 for the long-term unemployed, job seekers, if they moved to the region to work, or $ 3000, if they moved to the metropolitan area.


If you're a small business owner …



Labour says, that will reduce red tape by introducing paid parental leave through Centrelink for companies with staffing up to 20 Staff.

Labour to give upfront tax deduction for small businesses, when they buy equipment, and property worth up to $ 10 000.

Labour will also help reduce GST reporting requirements from four times a year only once a year for businesses with less turnover $ 20 million a year.

Labour will also ensure that small businesses are registered free of charge in the Pensions Clearing House for businesses with less than 100 employees with 1 July 2014 year.

Coalition of Liberals to spend $ 6 млн. для создания предприятий малого бизнеса и семейного бизнеса. А  потратит $ 3 млн. to improve access for small businesses to Commonwealth contracts. $ 1 Billion. to cut red tape, including changes in pension payments.

A coalition of liberals is going to spend $ 1 million, to extend contracts to protect against unfair decisions against small businesses, as well as consumers.

But the Liberals Coalition will abolish the amount $ 6500 instant asset write-offs for small businesses with less turnover $ 2 Million.

Will also cancel the forward scheme of tax losses, which allows companies to claim damages in the amount considered to $ 1 Million. as taxes are paid in the previous two years.

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