‘Birds of Australia’
Australian Crane
Australian Crane ( Grus rubicunda) - A large bird of the family of cranes, living on north and East Australia.
Earlier, the Australian Crane lived almost across the continent with the exception of desert and mountain areas South and the central of Australia. However, its extension to the north and west in recent years have seen increased, which is related to its reorientation on food grain.
Australian crane sedentary, although it can roam within the range depending on the season and weather conditions.
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Multicolor or rainbow loriket
Multicolor or rainbow loriket ( Trichoglossus haematodus) - A bird of the family Popugaeva, lives in the North and East Australia and the island Tasmania.
The length of multi-colored or rainbow near the loriketa 30 Centimeters, wingspan of about 17 centimeters, and weighs about a bird 130 Gram.
Stained multicolor loriketa very bright and varied, bird's head is bluish-purple, orange beak, front of the neck and abdomen dark blue, neck-shoulder yellow, red breast, the sides of the orange, and the wings, back and upper tail are dark green. eyes of the male multicolor loriketa bright red, and female - orange-red.
Kukushechya iglonogaya Owl
Kukushechya iglonogaya Owl ( Ninox novaeseelandiae) - Is the smallest type of owls Australia, living in the woods,deserts and national parks, -the most common type of owls distributed throughout Australia.
The length of the owl kukushechnoy iglonogoy 28 before 36 Centimeters. Owl plumage on the upper side dark brown, and on the lower side of the reddish-brown with white spots and stripes, big owl eyes, yellow.
Kukushechya iglonogaya Owl – night-bird, hunts mainly at night or at dawn, but in cloudy or overcast conditions as the owl is active during daylight hours. Food consists of insects, owls, small birds, rodents and lizards.