Большеноги или сорные куры
10 Февраль, 2011
Bolshenogi, or weed chickens ( Megapodiidae) - Family of birds gallinaceous, living on the islands north of Australia.
Bolshenogi, Unlike most birds,not hatch their eggs, and bury them in the ground or in humus, where they develop due to solar heat or heat, produced when decaying plants. , beak inside his soft skin, which serves as a "thermometer". With this "thermometer" male monitors the temperature inside the "incubator" and depending on the temperature changes or he unearths, asleep or eggs.
After the chicks hatch, They crawl out from under the sand and relax for a while, but after a couple of hours, they can already run, and a day - fly.
Bolshenogi, or weeds consist of chickens 6 delivery and 19 species including:
* Rhode Shrub bolshenogi (Alectura)
Shrub bolshenog (Alectura lathami)
* Rhode Shrub chicken (Aepypodius)
Amentaceous bolshenog (Aepypodius arfakianus)
Burogrudy bolshenog (Aepypodius bruijnii)
* Rod Weed chicken (Talegalla)
Krasnoklyuvy bolshenog (Talegalla cuvieri)
Black-bolshenog (Talegalla fuscirostris)
Osheynikovy bolshenog (Talegalla jobiensis)
* Rhode eyed chicken (Bake)
Eyed chicken (Leipoa ocellata)
* Rod Maleo (bird) (Macrocephalon)
Maleo (bird) (Macrocephalon maleo)
* Rhode Bolshenogi (Megapodius)
Moluccan bolshenog (Megapodius wallacei)
Polynesian bolshenog (Megapodius pritchardii)
Micronesia bolshenog (Megapodius Laperouse)
Nicobar bolshenog (Megapodius nicobariensis)
Philippine bolshenog (Megapodius cumingii)
Sulsky bolshenog (Megapodius bernsteinii)
Jungle chicken (Megapodius freycinet)
New Guinea bolshenog (Megapodius affinis)
Megapodius hermit
Megapodius layardi
Megapodius Reinwardt
The geographical range is very wide bolshenogov, they live in Tonga and Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Bismarck archipelagos, in New Guinea,in the Philippines, in Indonesia, on the Nicobar Islands, as well as on the islands north of Australia.
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