Kukushechya iglonogaya Owl

25 April, 2011


Kukushechya iglonogaya Owl ( Ninox novaeseelandiae) - Is the smallest type of owls Australia, living in the woods,deserts and national parks, -the most common type of owls distributed throughout Australia.

The length of the owl kukushechnoy iglonogoy 28 before 36 Centimeters. Owl plumage on the upper side dark brown, and on the lower side of the reddish-brown with white spots and stripes, big owl eyes, yellow.



Kukushechya iglonogaya Owl – night-bird, hunts mainly at night or at dawn, but in cloudy or overcast conditions as the owl is active during daylight hours. Food consists of insects, owls, small birds, rodents and lizards.

Kukushechya iglonogaya owl lives in pairs, and prefers to relax alone.
Owl nesting period from September to February, constructed nest in tree holes. The clutch usually 2 before 4 eggs, female incubates the clutch, and the male at this time looking for her food. About chicks care female and male, The young leave the nest in 5-6 weeks.

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