Little Penguin
18 March, 2011
Little Penguin ( Eudyptula minor) - The kind of the kind of small penguins family pingvinovyh, living on the coast of South Australia and nearby islands.
Little Penguin – the smallest species of all living penguin today, It
growth of about 40 cm, and weighs about 1 kg.
In small penguins back of a dark blue or dark almost black color, breast and upper legs, the penguin,light gray, almost white, and dark gray beak.
Little Penguin eats small fish and cephalopods, and sometimes octopus.
Little Penguin diving is not as deep as other species of penguins, however, it is with a small size and weight can dive from the 30 before 60-70 Metres away.
In Australia, the population of Little Penguins is estimated at more 1 Million. steam.
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