‘Birds of Australia’

Mottled duck


Mottled duck ( Freckled naevosa) - Waterfowl duck family and the only species of its subfamily, found only in the South Australia.

Mottled duck inhabits grassy swamps and open lakes, mottled ducks are usually found in groups, which may have between 10 before 100 individuals.



Mottled duck is mid-sized, the length of the 50 до 60 см, wingspan of 75 до 85 см,weight obeforettlecmcks 800 grams to kilograms.

Color dark mottled ducks, a distinctive feature of the white spots, which covered all duck feather.

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Wood Duck

Wood Duck (Dendrocygna eytoni) - Species of birds of the family Anatidae, living in Australia. Wood duck also called wood duck and duck Zheltonogov Eaton, in honor of its discoverer, British naturalist Thomas Campbell Eaton.

Do wood ducks predominantly brown color, dorsal plumage olive-brown, chest and neck - light gray, and red with black horizontal stripes sides.

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Большеноги или сорные куры

Bolshenogi, or weed chickens ( Megapodiidae) - Family of birds gallinaceous, living on the islands north of Australia.

Bolshenogi, Unlike most birds,not hatch their eggs, and bury them in the ground or in humus, where they develop due to solar heat or heat, produced when decaying plants. , beak inside his soft skin, which serves as a "thermometer". With this "thermometer" male monitors the temperature inside the "incubator" and depending on the temperature changes or he unearths, asleep or eggs.

After the chicks hatch, They crawl out from under the sand and relax for a while, but after a couple of hours, they can already run, and a day - fly.

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