‘Deserts of Australia’

Австралийский парк Мунго!


Пустыня Мунго.



Парк Мунго (иногда его называют Манго) – мечта палеонтологов, но и обычный человек в полной мере сможет оценить ни на что не похожую притягательность этого необычного места. Read the rest of this entry »

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Great Sandy Desert

Большая Песчаная пустыня (Great Sandy Desert)Большая Песчаная пустыня (Great Sandy Desert) or the Western Desert - sand and saline desert in the north-west Australia Western Australia. The area of ​​the desert 360 000 км², raskinulasʹ the 900 km from west to east, as well as 600 km from north to south from the Kimberley region to the Tropic of Capricorn, going to the desert Gibson.

The predominant landscape - ridge of sand dunes, average height is - 10-12 м, Maximum - up to 30 м. Ridges up to 5mkm stretch in the latitudinal direction, that is caused by the direction of the prevailing trade winds. In the region there are numerous lakes, salt marshes, occasionally filled with water: Disappoyntment the south, Mackay in the east, Gregory the north, which feeds the River Sturt Creek.

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Great Victoria Desert

Большая пустыня Виктория (Great Victoria Desert)Большая пустыня Виктория (Great Victoria Desert) - Sandy-saline desert, located in the state Western Australia and South Australia.
Great Victoria Desert - the largest desert of Australia, occupies 4% area of ​​the continent, eë
area 424 400 км², at the same length from east to west is over 700 km.

To the north of the Great Victoria Desert is located Gibson Desert, Hugo k - plane Nallarbor. The average annual rainfall varies from 200 before 250 mm of rain, thunderstorms often occur. Daytime temperatures in summer is 32-40 ° C, 18-23 ° C in winter. Due to the unfavorable climatic conditions in the desert is not any agricultural activity. It is a protected area of ​​Western Australia.

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