Little Sandy Desert

13 May, 2010


Малая Песчаная пустыня (Little Sandy Desert)Малая Песчаная пустыня (Little Sandy Desert) - In the sandy desert Western Australia. The area of ​​the desert - 101 Thd. км². Little Sandy Desert located south of Great Sandy Desert to the east and enters Gibson Desert.

The name of the desert caused by the fact, that it is next to the Great Sandy Desert, but has a much smaller. The characteristics of the relief, Fauna and Flora Little Sandy Desert is similar to the Great Sandy Desert.

The average annual rainfall, which falls mainly in summer, amounts to 150-200 mm, average annual evaporation - 3600-4000 mm. Average summer temperatures range from 22 до 38.3 ° C, winter, this figure is 5,4-21,3 ° C. Domestic stock, the main stream - Seyvori Creek (Savory Creek), flows into the lake Disappoyntment, located in the northern part of the desert. In the south there are also several small lakes.

Major population centers within the wilderness is not. Much of the land belongs to Aboriginal, the most prominent of their settlement - Parnngurr (Parnngurr).Through the desert in the north-east route passes Kanningsky skotoperegonny ( Canning Stock Route) Length 1 600 miles - the only way across the desert, coming from the city Viluna (Wiluna) across the lake Disappoyntment to Halls Creek (Halls Creek).



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