Simpson Desert

12 Май, 2010


Пустыня Симпсона (Simpson Desert) Пустыня Симпсона (Simpson Desert) - Sandy desert in the heart of Australia, is 2.3% area of ​​the continent. The desert is mostly in the south-east Northern Territory, and in the states Квинсленд and South Australia. The area of ​​the desert 143 Thd. км², bounded on the west river Finke, from the north - the backbone of Mc Donnell and the river Plenty, from the east - the rivers, and Mulligan Dajamantina, and from the south - a large salt Lake Eyre.

Through the desert rivers Todd Simpson, Plenty, Hale, Hey; in the southern part there are many ephemeral salt lakes. Soils are mainly sandy dune ridges parallel, in the south-eastern part of the sand and gravel,shores of Lake Eyre - clay. Sand dunes 20-37 m stretch from the north-west to south-east on the distance to the 160 km.

Vast parts of the desert received the status of protected areas, reserves and parks:

* национальный парк Пустыня Симпсона (Simpson Desert National Park)

* Simpson Desert conservation park (Simpson Desert Conservation Park)



* Regional Park Simpson Desert (Simpson Desert Regional Reserve)

* National Park Uidzhira (Witjira National Park)

In the period from the 1960s to the 80s in the Desert Simpson unsuccessfully searched for oil. At the end of the XX century, the desert has become popular with tourists, special interest tours are on the all-wheel drive vehicles.

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