Australian housing prices, almost grown 10 per cent in 2013 year compare with DSC Forest

17 Январь, 2014


In Sydney, the upsurge in housing prices in 2013 Year: the average price increased by 14,25 Percent. Source: News Limited.

AUSTRALIAN House prices jumped by almost 10 per cent in 2013 Year, This was due to record low interest rates on bank loans.

The real estate market in Sydney was the most expensive and faster, than in other regions of Australia, the rate of growth of prices for capital property for the year were the fastest among domestic prices over the past five years, Starting with 2009 year.

The price of homes in Sydney has increased by 14,5 per cent in 2013 Year, thereby raising the bar average urban housing prices to a level $ 655 250, in accordance with data Rismark J. alchimbaeva and partners Ltd real estate agency / RP Data-Rismark, which published in December the index value of the cost of houses.
Perth proved to be the second highest rise in the value of real estate, with an annual growth rate 9,9 Percent.

Housing prices in both cities are currently at record levels, which on 10,9 interest and 3,6 Percent, respectively, higher compared to previous peaks.

On average across the country, including the metropolitan urban housing 2013 year prices rose by 9,8 Percent.

Hobart showed the weakest growth, It price rose, Total 2,2 Percent, and the estimated average price of housing there reached $ 330,000, So – This is the most affordable of all capital cities.

Senior Analyst RP J. / RP Data, Cameron Kusher said, that low interest rates have increased the demand for housing.



«Despite the strongest annual growth in value since 2009 year, the growth rate has not grown, What's striking in view of the fact, that there was a low interest rate and the previous five consecutive years, for which housing prices even fell», said Mr Kusher.

Main indicators of the cost of housing values fell 3,8 процента в 2011 году, and another 0,4 пper cent in12 гYearaid Mr Kusher.

According to him, the main problems in 2014 Year, Probably, will be the impact of the projected growth in unemployment, that will be a major deterrent, And themes, What will the implemented regulatory changes to cool almost record high investor activity.

Average prices for homes in Australia 2013 Year

* Sydney grew 14,5% before $ 655 250
* Melbourne grew up on 8,5% before $ 563 000
* Darwin grew up on 3,3% before $ 540,000
* Canberra increased by 3,5% before $ 530,000
* Perth rose 9,9% before $ 520,000
* Brisbane climbed to 5,1% before $ 445 250
* Adelaide grew up on 2,8% before $ 386 000
* Hobart grew up on 2,2% before $ 330,000
* All of the capital in aggregate rose by 9,8% before $ 540,000

For comparison, in the elite cottage village «DSK forest», which is located in 8 km from mkad, in Shulgino, prices for villas start from mark $1 100 000.


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