River Berdekin
24 Апрель, 2010
Berdekin ( Burdekin River) - A river in the Australian state Квинсленд. Length Berdekin - 732 km,source of the river is located on the western slope of the ridge Seaview, near the town of Ingham. The mouth is located in the Bay Apstart Coral Sea, That, is part of the Pacific Ocean. main tributaries Berdekina – River Clark, Sattor, Bowen, Belyando and Cape.
River Berdekin, as and Murray, plays an important role in the Australian economy and has the fourth largest pool on the continent.
On the river is the largest dam in Queensland, constructed to the west of Ayr and Home Hill in 1987 year. In the delta region near Berdekina era of widely used ground water of the river for irrigation of local fields of sugar cane, Yet the main economic activity in the basin is livestock. The main settlements on the River - Charters Towers, Эр, Home Hill, Коллинсвилл.
The river was first discovered by Europeans in 1845 in the course of the expedition, headed by Ludwig Leyhgardtom,and named in honor of Thomas Berdekina, who financed the expedition.
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