Fortescue River

13 Апрель, 2010


Река Фортескью ( Fortescue River)Forteskyu ( Fortescue River) - Ephemeral river in the Pilbara region,штат Western Australia. The third longest river in the state,its length is 760 км, and the area of ​​the pool - 49 759 км. kmhe river there 24 inflow.

The source of the river is not far from the mountain ridge Dedmen Hill Oftalmiya, about 30 miles south of Newman. First Fortescue flows in a northerly direction along the Great Northern Highway ( Great Northern Highway), which subsequently crossed just south of Marble Bar.

The river then flows in a north-westerly direction, then - in the west, again intersects with the Great Northern Highway, and again in the northern. Not far from the road number 1 Fortescue continues to flow in a westerly direction, until flows into the Indian Ocean, about 40 kilometers south-west of Dampier. The mouth of the estuary is an extensive area of 23,3 km. The territory of the estuary represented lowland, flooded with sea water, and littoral plains.

The river got its present name in 1861 , during the expedition traveler Francis Thomas Gregory, who named it in honor of the deputy minister of colonies of the British Empire, which has funded research.

Stoke - in December and January, after summer rains, the rest of the river dries up.



In 1982 year on the river levee was built Oftalmiya.

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