River Marrambidži

17 Апрель, 2010




Река Маррамбиджи ( Murrumbidgee River)Murrumbidgee ( Murrumbidgee River) - The main river of the state New South Wales.The length of Murrambidzhi 1485 km,The river originates in the Eastern Highlands of New South Wales in the Australian Alps and is part of the Great Dividing Range. Subsequently, the river flows through the territory of New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory, here in her tributaries flow into Molonglo and Cotter. In the area between the towns of Maud and Balranald in the Murrumbidgee flows River area of ​​social, after which the river continues to flow in a southwesterly direction. Near the border between the states of New South Wales and Victoria Empties into the Murrumbidgee River Murray.

Murrumbidgee flows through several major cities, including Канберру,  Ясс, Уогга-Уогга, Хей и Балраналд.

The river's flow control dam and reservoir system Tantangara, that almost 50 % restrict the natural annual drain Murrumbidgee (especially in the spring months, when the mountains begin melting snow).Construction of the main dam in the upper reaches of the river was completed in 1960 Year. As a result,, now to 99 % river flow at this location is translated into an artificial lake Yukambin (Lake Eucumbene).

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