A giant lizard

24 August, 2011


A giant lizard or a large lizard ( Varanus giganteus) - Species of lizards of the family of lizards, lives in the western Квинсленда through central Australia to the coasts Western Australia.

A giant lizard – World's largest lizard fauna after the Komodo monitor, maximum length of the body with a tail 2,5 метра, but most specimens of the giant monitor lizard reaches a maximum 1,6 метра.Meters



The upper side of the body of a giant monitor lizard is painted in Brown, and on the sides and back of large creamy zheltoye spots, lines to dark brown or black. The belly of a giant monitor lizard has whitish-cream coloring.   drawing on a body of young Goannas very bright, but with age, the bright picture dims.

Despite its size perentie quite rare due to its caution and masking.   He leads land lifestyle, using as hideouts deep cracks and holes, and   when danger is able to climb a tree.
If he meets a man prefers to escape, It can run as four, and two hind legs. If Raptor backed into a corner, He uses his teeth, the claws and tail as a weapon of defence, Moreover, the wounds can be quite painful, so the big instances can grab the hand of an adult person.

Perentie hunts by celebrations ambushes or simply harassment, eats insects, reptiles, birds, small mammals and carrion. Large monitors can kill small kangaroo. The giant lizard is immune to the venom of Australian snakes.

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