Short-tailed skink, короткохвост

12 Июль, 2011


Short-tailed skink, короткохвост (Tiliqua rugosa) - Short-tailed species sineyazykogo skink, living in the steppes, deserts and semi-deserts in the South and zwestern Australia,up to the northern Квинсленда. Besides, short-tailed skink lives in the eastern states Victoria and New South Wales, but it does not occur in coastal areas.

Among the short-tailed skinks are four subspecies:

* Tiliqua rugosa rugosa, lives in the state of Western Australia.

* Tiliqua rugosa asper, It is endemic to the States of Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.



* Tiliqua rugosa konowi, It is endemic to the island of Rottnest Island Western Australia.

* Tiliqua rugosa palarra, It is endemic to the Gulf Coast of Shark Bay in Western Australia.

At korotkohvostogo scinka, korotkohvosta, meets multiple colors: from dark brown to cream  .   Korotkohvost reaches a length of up to 36 Centimeters, the head is triangular in shape; language — light blue, the tail is short and stout, resembles the head of a lizard, in the tail of deposited significant fat reserves, used during hibernation. Unlike other species of skinks korotkohvost cannot drop his tail.

Korotkohvosty omnivorous, eating consume   plant,  snails, insects and carrion.
Unlike other species of lizards, korotkohvosty aspire to monogamy: during the breeding season pairs returned annually to each other for up to twenty years. Korotkohvosty – zhivorodjashhii skinks,  to light produce from one to four relatively large offspring.
Young lizards stay with their parents for a few months, and then begin an independent life, Although living in the vicinity, forming colonies related skinks.

Before, threat to short-tailed were wild dingo dogs and Australian pythons, now they are a threat to the continent by Europeans imported foxes and cats.

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