Big Game Fishing in Australia
24 Май, 2013
For the true fan of fishing, ocean fishing in the waters of the great barrier reef in Australia is the dream of a lifetime can be said! It can be compared with the conquest of Mount Everest to climbers, skating at the legendary Jackson Houle for skier or participation in the Olympic Games for the athlete.
After all, the great barrier reef is not just a dot on the map and do not even just a zone of length 240 km, north of Cairns, a place, where from year to year regularly comes to spawn one of the most desirable for every fisherman "hunting prey" - a giant spear-bearing black marlin or sawfish. The largest specimens of sawfish reach in weight 725 kg. The fishing season for this fish lasts from September to the end of December.
In addition to the great black marlin, tiger sharks can also be caught in the ocean waters of the Great Barrier Reef (до 600 кг), голубого марлина (до 450 кг), малого марлина (до 150 кг), tuna (90 кг), Sailboat (80 кг), Wahoo (50 кг), Barracuda (45 кг) and many more species of smaller fish, such as for example: horntooth or barramundi, Spanish mackerel, dolphin fish, coral trout, Australian cone or knightfish, Not to mention the sea bass, and many other types of.
When planning a trip to Australia, you should consider, that there is a country in this country, General Fishing Ban Season, related to spawning, which has been in effect since 1 June to 31 Augusta. There are also prohibitions on catching certain species of fish at times specified by law. It is necessary to inquire about the terms of their ban in advance, on special portals, dedicated to fishing.
In Australia, you can also go spearfishing at shallow depths in the coastal zone. However, it should be remembered, that this kind of fishing here is quite dangerous, as there are many sharks, who feel the prey and presence of blood at a great distance. Therefore, fish caught from an underwater gun should be immediately delivered on board a yacht or boat..
In addition, in the country you can engage in more traditional and calm types of fishing on numerous islands or in many freshwater Lakes and rivers Australia.
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