New South Wales

27 April, 2010


Новый Южный Уэльс  (New South Wales, NSW) Новый Южный Уэльс  (New South Wales, NSW) - State of the south-eastern Australia. The area of ​​the state is 809 444 miles. population - 6,765 million. The capital and largest city - Sydney.Other major cities - Newcastle, Uollongong, Vagga-Vagga, Olburi, Tamworth.

In the north of the state borders Квинслендом, on the east by the waters of the Tasman Sea (Pacific), the south is bordered by Victoria, in the west - South Australia. The staff consists of two enclaves - the subject of the federation - Australian Capital Territory and Jervis Bay Territory.

Great Dividing Range divides the state in the densely populated eastern (seaside), and steppe, Agriculture, the western part of. In the very same mountain, because of the difficulty of the national economy and their unique landscape and vegetation, There are many game reserves and national parks. Tourism center is located where the city Katoomba.

Much of the territory of the state is reserved for national parks. Here 55 national parks with a total area 2490 тыс. га. The largest – National Park, they. Косцюшко (645 тыс. га), Vollemi (452 тыс. га) and the Blue Mountains (216 тыс. га). hectareThd

In New South Wales are concentrated rich reserves of minerals. Major mining and quarrying – coal mining (60% Product) and non-ferrous metals (цинк, свинец, серебро). The main areas of coal production – Hunter Valley, Lithgow and Vulzincng. Reserves are estimated at 500 billion tons, of them 23 Billion – available and measured. The largest deposit of polymetallic ores of Broken Hill operates from 1883 G. In the late 70 – early 80-ies of XX century. started to give products (серебро, copper, свинец, цинк) deposits on the coast near Vudloun SilverleadzincWollongong and Elura in Central Texas.



In New South Wales is produced as a large number of rare-earth metals from mineral sands, occurring on the northern coast. Most of the lead concentrates, produced in Broken Hill, sent to the smelter at Port Pirie, zinc – at Risdon (Tasmania) or exported.

The main areas of specialization of agriculture in New South Wales – sheep breeding, grain production and breeding of beef cattle. The state ranks first in the country of sheep shearing and wool.

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