Штат Новый Южный Уэльс: best secrets of the central coast of Australia, Part 3.

30 November, 2013


Пляжный ресторан Вой-Вой Фишо.

Вой-Вой Фишо

Иногда нас могут удовлетворить самые простые мероприятия, such, как например поедание устриц в нескольких метрах от того места, где они выросли.

После морской прогулки по хранящим многие секреты, темным водам Терригала,  вдоль побережья живописного Брисбена, вытяните лодку на пандус, захватите с собой на вынос дюжину устриц от Вой-Вой Фишо / Fisho’s Woy Woy и выстрелите пробкой из охлажденной бутылки шампанского, чтобы скоротать вечер.

Fisho is a beachfront restaurant with an extensive menu of seafood, You can catch,   to all of these enjoy the spacious terrace on air branding. Place, we recommend that you book in advance.


Pub brewery "six Strings Breveri / Six Strings Brewery».

Modest industrial zone on the coast in the town of Erin is home to the newest of the Six Strings brewery Brewery.

After numerous bureaucratic delays, he finally opened its doors in 2013 Year. The beer here is good, This place is fun and the locals love it.



Try Pejl El / Pale Ale, to configure your taste buds and grab something from the pub menu.


Diver Center   "ex battleship Adelaide».

In April 2011 year, decommissioned battlecruiser Adelaide/  HMAS-Adelaide was sunk two kilometers from the coast of Terrigal / Terrigal.

Strong divers can now explore the ship, where they see the captain's Chair and the navigation table on the bridge, helicopter hangars, operating room, Cafe crew and even beds and toilets.

No divers can go on a sea excursion by boat Skillion ', on a rocky promontory overlooking the sea and back to the adorable Terrigal.

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