The Sunshine State Queensland!

19 Август, 2013


Австралийский штат Квинсленд находится в северо-восточной части материка. Особый шарм этому региону придает его экзотическое местоположение. С Двух сторон он окружен водами залива Карпентария , Коралловым морем и Водами Тихого океана. Прекрасные климатические условия и уникальная природа, нескончаемые пляжи из белоснежного песка и тропические леса заставляют чаще стучать сердце от восторга.
Queensland is famous for its natural attractions. Noisy waterfalls, national parks, fascinating mountains, many reserves and rivers on which to enjoy wonderful views of the surrounding hills.

Reserve The Gulf Country, here were found the fossils of mammals, Fraser Island, The Great Barrier Reef. Anywhere on earth you will not find so many corners of untouched nature. Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast beaches have excellent, Big Vodorazdelitelnyj Ridge and Mt. Banya are famous for a large number of waterfalls, Carnarvon Gorge and Whitsunday Island attract excellent places for a picnic. Has long been guests of Queensland obljudovali places to stroll among lush jungle and rainforest in Lamington and parks Border Rendzhes.



The climate of the State is diverse. In the West, falls little rainfall and hot summers, square is characterized by humid monsoon climate, Southern boasts moderately warm climate. The year round temperature remains warm. Even in winter the North Poles of thermometers do not fall below +25 With.

Arriving in Queensland you must walk through the rainforest Dajntri, explore Fraser Island, get acquainted with the water world Islands Vitsandejs, visit the show with the participation of crocodiles.

Traditional Austrian cuisine here is steak Marsupial, who cooked the Kangaroo meat and mushrooms, brains on-matrosski, soaked in red wine and Australian salad, seasoned with orange juice and mayonnaise.

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