
27 April, 2010




Виктория (Victoria) Victoria (Victory) - State of the south-eastern Australia, The smallest state in the territory of the mainland. Victoria Square is 237 629 км (6-place among the Australian states),the state's population 5,012 million. The capital and largest city - Melbourne.

Over 80% residents living in two cities – in the capital, Melbourne (3,3 Million) and r. Geelong. Main mineral resources of Victoria – energy. In the Latrobe Valley brown coal is extracted, used in thermal power plants. In Bass Strait are being developed oil and gas. Victoria – the main supplier of fuel oil in the country.

Agriculture of the State is characterized by high intensity. It focused 40% irrigated areas of Australia. Leading the industry – sheep breeding, dairy cattle and grain production. To the east and north-east of Melbourne, and on irrigated lands in the basin Murray grow fruit; near Mildyyura – the main planting of grapes. 36% Victoria's territory is covered by forests. 170 Thd. hectares of artificial forest plantation softwood trees.

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