Western Australia
27 April, 2010
Западная Австралия (Western Australia) - The largest of the Australian states, occupying a third of the continent. State jurisdiction Western Australia Is 2,646 million miles. To the east is bordered by State Northern Territory and South Australia. The capital and largest city - Perth, population - 2 million. The main sea port of Fremantle. Major cities - Manduria, Banbury, Калгурли, Albany.
In winter, the amplitude of the temperature in the central parts of the region up to 30… 40 ° C at night, with an average temperature of 12… 18 ° C. Sometimes there are frozen, associated not only with the radiation, but also with the invasions of cold air masses from the south.
Summer is hot, with an average temperature 32 ° C and up to 50 ° C. To the north in the summer months are short thunderstorms, in the south and west of rainfall in winter. Rainfall around unstable, and the annual amount of their very small.
Western Australia is divided into nine regions:
1. Gascoigne (Gascoyne)
2. Кимберли (Kimberley)
3. Kalgoorlie-Hope (Goldfields-Esperance)
4. The Great South (Great Southern)
5. Midwest (Mid West)
6. Пил (Peel)
7. Pylbara (Pilbara)
8. Южный Запад (South West)
9. Витбельт (Wheatbelt)
Western Australia is extremely rich deposits of gold. In Western Australia there are more than 90 % reserves of this metal on the mainland. Especially large area of gold mining, as well as the recently discovered nickel ore is in the south, near Kalgoorlie. In the north-west, in the mountains of the Hamersley, extract iron, manganese, tin. Particularly large reserves of high quality iron ore (before 67 % metal in ore), mined open pit in the Pilbara region. To the place of production conducted water from the south-west; pipes laid directly on the surface, which creates a very special appearance "mastered" the desert.
In the southern part of the region formed by a large national park "Great Victoria Desert" (2 million hectares), the object of which declared desert ecosystems, with their sparse vegetation and unique wildlife.
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