
Sand dunes and salt lakes South Australia


Your adventure starts here.



Get off the beaten track, enjoy absolute solitude and taste the adventure, like nowhere else! But you need to plan your trip in advance.. Explore the remote country of Flinders, in which there are often extreme weather conditions. Read the rest of this entry »

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Resort city of Cairns and the descendants of Aboriginal Australia

Dokumentalnyj film o gorode Кэрнс, movie posvjashhen aborigenam   Avstralii and their potomkam.
Aborigeny Avstralii, as schitajut uchenye, pojavilis Na Po mere krajne kontinente 50 000 years rearwards.

Drevnie aborigeny lived in kontakte neposredstvennom with wilderness, vernee, they themselves is of estestvennogo world, popular zhivotnye, plants, and they were a single entity, how changed the views of Aboriginal descendants you will learn with this documentary.

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Harbour Bridge – One of the main attractions of Sydney

Мост Харбор-Бридж ( Harbour Bridge ) - The largest bridge Sydney and one of the largest steel arch bridge in the world, which is one of the main attractions of Sydney, New Year's Eve "spoke" to the 16 languages ​​of the world.

So the words "Welcome to Sydney" than the traditional English, with the help of laser technology is projected in Russian, Chinese, Greek, Arabic and language of the indigenous inhabitants of Australia – Aboriginal.

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