
Aboriginal suicide


The Australian Government takes immediate action to eliminate the increasing suicide rate among young Aboriginal.



In the state Western Australia, in the region Кимберли (Kimberley) a sharp increase in the number of suicides among Aboriginal, an average of one per week himself on.

Australian government set up a special government program, which provides funding for the provision of psychological support, education and training Aboriginal.
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Sineyazykie skinks, giant lizards or smooth tilikvy

Sineyazykie skinks, giant lizards or smooth tilikvy ( Tiliqua) - Kind of plate-tailed lizards of the family, live from deserts to rainforests throughout Australia and Tasmania.

Sineyazykie skinks are full-time, ground-based lifestyle, adhere to the single life, highly territorial and aggressive to other individuals of its species.
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Kangaroo (Macropus) - Kind of marsupial mammals of the family dwelling kangaroo in Australia.
Kangaroos have powerful hind legs, massive tail, narrow shoulders, Small, similar to human hands, forepaws, kangaroos which dig up the tubers and roots. Kangaroo takes all the weight on the tail, and then both hind legs, freed, a single movement from top to bottom causing terrible wounds to the enemy. Starting with powerful hind legs, they rush to the jumps 12 m in length and up to 3 m in height. Body weight up to a kangaroo 80 kg.

For kangaroos, as for other marsupials, characterized by a very short pregnancy, lasts about a month. Even the largest kangaroo baby weighs at birth is less than 1 gram.

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