
Australia has allowed shooting great white sharks


Despite the fact that white sharks in the last ten years were considered a protected species, the Australian Government has allowed shooting great white sharks, considering safety of tourists is more important than sharks.



Shooting Great White Sharks, threaten holidaymakers, allowed in Western Australia, Now the authorities can catch and kill sharks, swim up too close to a bathing. Previously, the sharks could be hunted only after specific attacks on human.

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Australia may face economic crisis

Экономисты German bank считают, that Australia, Countries differ hitherto stable economy, may soon face economic crisis. Australia will be the first recession in the last 21 Year.

Experts from Australia, Deutsche Bank predicts entry into recession due to the economic crisis. Last time in this situation, the country provided 21 year ago. And this is connected with the plight of the mining industry, and it depends on which state of the Australian economy.

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The quota for immigration to Australia

The Australian Government maintains an annual quota for immigrants programs for professional immigration to Australia.

Skilled Occupations List – SOL - список oсoбo вoстрeбoвaнныx спeциaльнoстeй Aвстрaлии.  SOL список нa стo прoцeнтoв зaмeнил сoбoй рaнee извeстную фoрму 1121i (Form 1121i).

Zayaviteli thresh programke nezavisimoy professionalnoy immigratsii cables must imet podtverzhdennuyu spetsialnost of spiska vostrebovannyx spetsialnostey - SOL, IT'S samy samy pervy glavny and shag at popytke immigrate Avstraliyu.

The quota for immigration to Australia by occupation for 2012-2013 year:

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