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Автопробег по бездорожью: дешевый отпуск, о котором австралийцы забывают: Hotel Murray, ч4


Wild horses near the road Birdsvill.



Another thing, that is truly remarkable in that part of the world – This is a terrific game of light and color in the sunset. Sitting around a campfire and watching, how Read the rest of this entry »

This is also interesting:



Автопробег по бездорожью: дешевый отпуск, о котором австралийцы забывают: отель Мангеранни и станция Клейтон , ч3

Mungerannie hotel, who is the only one within a radius of 200 km, have a very peculiar sense of humor.

As soon as we prospalis after the huge amounts of alcohol, consumed at Birdsvill after races, It's time to climb further. Read the rest of this entry »

Автопробег по бездорожью: дешевый отпуск, о котором австралийцы забывают: конная гонка Бирдсвилль, ч2

The Australian backwoods - This is the place, where many Australians will never go.

Admittedly, This uneasy rest, and there are a few requirements, to travel along this route. You must have a reliable car, that can cope with the terrain, Read the rest of this entry »

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