
What is the cost to live in Sydney


Скoлькo стoит жить в СиднeePochti polovina residents Sidneya schitayut chto, togo to chtoby live in Australia and they are normally komfortno dolzhny zarabatyvat From 100 000$, no three are back goda v nazyvali figure in twice mensa.

Пoслeдний oпрoс, provedenny Sidneyskoy Palatoy Biznesa, пoкaзaл, What 47% сиднeйцeв считaют, that the capital of the Newest South Wales - "the city for people with six-digit income".



In 2007 G. The same survey showed, that's just 24% respondents think, that it is necessary to make 100 000$, unmatched to live in Sydney.

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South Australia

Южная Австралия (South Australia)Южная Австралия (South Australia) - Staff at the center of the southern part of Australia. The population of the State of 1.5 million people. The area is located on state lands driest continent, and its total area 984,377 square kilometers, making it the fourth largest Australian state. In the west, bordered by Western Australia, on the north - Northern Territory and Квинслендом, on the east - Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. On the southern side bordering the Great Australian Bight and the Southern Ocean, which protrude into the peninsula Eyre, York and Floro.

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Australia is among the ten countries – Economic Leaders'

Australia is among the top ten countries, financial position which has been one of the most stable, in a crisis,as evidenced by numerous macro-economic data.

in particular, unexpectedly declined in June, the country's trade deficit. So, He declined to 441 млн. австралийских долларов ($372 million) with 73MillionнAustralian dollarsв, recorded in May s.g.

The data obtained were a pleasant surprise for analysts, waiting for a negative trade balance of country-level 800 Million. Australian dollars.

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