национальный парк

Data on tourism in South Australia show record revenues from British and Chinese visitors


Series of matches for cricket The Ashes Test in December attracted a great number of British tourists.



Cricket and helped promote South Australia Koala to record annual indicators on attendance in the region of international tourists. Read the rest of this entry »

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The best beaches in Australia: Alexander Hedland and sunshine Beach, Квинсленд, Part 4

Alexander Hedland, Квинсленд

WHY: Located next to the coast Mululaboj Sunshine, Alexander Hjedlend (or "Alex", as it is known locally) is actually eight huge beaches in one. Read the rest of this entry »

The best beaches in Australia: Nalgalbadmarak, Northern Territory h 2

Nalgalbadmarak, situated in Garig Gunak Barlu National Park.

WHY: So far from Beach roads, that he has still not been received English title-Nalgalbadmarak, located in Read the rest of this entry »

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