
Nurat was stripped of its town status, but he was struggling, to return to the map, ч2




In the evening you can find here Friday local residents, example time with a mug of beer and a piece of pizza, and in Saturday morning, popivajushhimi coffee barn Café. Read the rest of this entry »

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Tiwi Islands – incredible lost world right at our doorstep, Part 2

Потрясающий вид острова Тиви.

Stunning views of the island.

This situation explains the importance of the need to avoid inbreeding, that is more than a real opportunity in small and isolated communities (as well as the Royal families – Giggles, our group). Read the rest of this entry »

Министры образования согласны с графиком внедрения онлайн тестирования NAPLAN

Школьник сдает экзамен NAPLAN онлайн.

Breakthrough ... The Ministers of education of Australia reached an agreement to move towards online testing program on NAPLAN.

Australian Federal Ministers of education, as well as individual States and territories of the country, 31 October agreed on the need for the introduction of interactive online testing within the framework of the national programme on assessment skills and numeracy (NAPLAN). Read the rest of this entry »

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