
Большеноги или сорные куры


Bolshenogi, or weed chickens ( Megapodiidae) - Family of birds gallinaceous, living on the islands north of Australia.

Bolshenogi, Unlike most birds,not hatch their eggs, and bury them in the ground or in humus, where they develop due to solar heat or heat, produced when decaying plants. , beak inside his soft skin, which serves as a "thermometer". With this "thermometer" male monitors the temperature inside the "incubator" and depending on the temperature changes or he unearths, asleep or eggs.



After the chicks hatch, They crawl out from under the sand and relax for a while, but after a couple of hours, they can already run, and a day - fly.

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Wild dingo. Dingo ( Canis lupus dingo) – again became the home of wild dog, the only placental carnivore in Australia. Dingo especially numerous in the northern, central and western Australia.

Name «dingo» appeared at the beginning of European colonization New SW. Wales and more likely to happen «Tingo» – term, use native to describe their dogs.

In Australia, the owners of escaped or abandoned dingoes found the perfect conditions for habitat, there are many game, the absence of enemies and competitors, because of this, they multiplied and spread across the continent and nearby islands, without hitting only Tasmania.
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Cuscus (Phalanger) – kind of marsupial family Possum (Phalangeridae), live in the Moluccas, Timor, Sulawesi, in New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Cape York Peninsula in northern Australia.

Couscous are mostly arboreal lifestyle, lodge in the woods and shrub thickets, with infrequent down to earth.

Couscous is quite large animals, body length ranges from 24 до 65 сантиметров, and the length of the tail- 24 до 60 санCentimetersht reaches of the 1 до 7 pounds.before

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