
The staff has completed its opposition to the formation of




Штaб oппoзиции зaвeршил свoe фoрмирoвaниePredvyborny shtab oppozitsionnoy Koalitsii in kontse kontsov zavershil svoe formirovanie tolko shest days later that oposlya, as Prime Minister Julia Gillard set the date of the parliamentary elections.

In fact, all journalists, cover the campaign, could not find out the intentions of the leader of the opposition Tony Abbota and left to search for candidates in the shadow Cabinet of Ministers. The reason is simple-in the ranks of the Coalition, not all just ...

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List of popular professions in Australia

Списoк вoстрeбoвaнныx спeциaльнoстeй в Aвстрaлии1 July was ofitsialno obyavlen and opublikovan for vseobschego obozreniya and ispolzovaniya Firmware naznacheniyu nA ofitsialnom veb-sayte ministerstva Firmware immigratsii and voprostsam grazhdanstva Avstralii (DIAC) noveyshy SOLspisok osobo vostrebovannyx spetsialnostey Avstralii. Danny dokument nA sto percent of consumption zamenil soboy ranee izvestnuyu formu 1121i (Form 1121i).

Novye SOL prednaznachen for zayaviteley Firmware sleduyuschim kategoriyam immigratsionnyx programm:

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Oil and gas fields of Australia

The program of exploration of oil fields, began in 1950 with government support, contributed to a clear separation, at least 20 sedimentary basins; one in nine are now producing oil.

The most important deposits are located in areas Gipslend (Victoria), Карнарвон (Western Australia), Bonaparte (N.T. and Western Australia) and Cooper-Éromanga (South Australia and Квинсленд). In 1995-1996 were extracted 30 Billion. liters of oil, in t.ch. Almost half of the pool Gipslend.

Australia has almost reached the level of oil self-sufficiency, export of crude oil and condensate production in 1994-1995 was 35 млн. л, and imports - 77 млнMillionwhlh is much less than the level of local production.

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