
Light Hawk


Svetlyj âstreb ( Accipiter novaehollandiae) - A bird of prey hawk family, inhabiting the rivers and forest edges in northern,  north-eastern,  Eastern and south-eastern coastal areas of Australia and the island Tasmania.



In light hawk wings are short round, long tail, eyes from reddish-orange to dark red, feet long. Plumage light gray on the head of a hawk, and on the back and top of the wing from the blue-gray to bluish-gray color, across the bottom of the white, only on the breast are subtle, dark transverse stripes, Hawk and legs white. length of the light hawk 44 до 55 сантиметров, Wingspan ranges from 70 до 100 сантиметров.Cbeforemeters

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Black Kite

Black Kite ( Milvus migrans) - A bird of prey hawk family lives in the woods and near water bodies Northern Australia.

The Black Kite is dark brown back,ventral side of brown, sometimes with a reddish tint, beak and legs yellow bird,pale brown or yellow-brown eyes. The length of 50-60 inches of black vulture, weight of 800-1100 grams,wing length of 41-51 inches, wingspan of 140-155 cm. Females are slightly larger than the Black Kite male.

Black vulture feeds mainly on carrion, mainly on fish and other waste. Also constitute prey mammals, Birds, creeping things, Frog, live fish, Insects, clams, crustaceans and worms.

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Australian ibis

Australian ibis ( Threskiornis spinicollis) - A bird of the family lives in the Australian ibisovyh. Australian ibis can be found in wet areas across Australia, also Islands of Australia, large population of birds on Norfolk Island.

In the Australian ibis wings and back are brown with a greenish or purplish tinge, head is black, without feathers, the length of the bird 55 before 75 сантиметров, and a height of about 70 саCentimeters
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