News Australia


Family and Kinship in the lives of Aboriginal




In the life of the Aboriginal race as a social unit has played a much smaller role, than the local group, which united the family vzaimorodstvennye, cohesive daily life within its territorial possessions.

The group members worked together not only to meet personal needs. Food is distributed according to the rules, complied with the special interests of the elderly and the young generation.

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Language of the Australian Aborigines

In the performance and accomplishment of corroboree ritual ceremonies for Aboriginal self-expression using a variety of art forms, than increased emotional performance. The rest of the time people were talking through the normal speech.

The number of spoken languages ​​have been enormous, and amounted to, Probably, six. And they all had a general similarity, except for, perhaps, Tasmanian several languages.

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Iron ore and bauxite Australia

In the 1960s, important discoveries were made, especially in the Precambrian Shield Western Australia in sedimentary basins. As a result, the first time since the gold rush of the 1850s there was a huge boom in the mining industry.

Funding for this campaign was carried out by Japan's capital, U.S. and UK, as well as Australia. The most active work was developed in Western Australia, especially on iron ore.

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