News Australia

‘in the world’

Economic growth in Australia in the third quarter


Australia's economic growth slowed in the third quarter, that according to the experts, due to a significant strengthening of the Australian dollar against the major currencies.Gross domestic product (GDP) Australia in the period from July to September grew by only 0,2%.

In the second quarter, the figure was 1,1%. Sydney hopes, that the growing demand for Australian companies in the world will help accelerate the growth of GDP in the fourth quarter.



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Founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange Australian citizen may be deprived of an Australian passport

Australian law enforcement agencies conducted a special investigation, which should be set, violate any laws of Australia site WikiLeaks published documents, which are confidential in nature and what action to take against the founder of the website Australian citizen Julian Assange.
In the words of the Attorney General of Australia, Robert Makkellanda, He does not know about the U.S. request to withdraw Australian passport Julian Assange, but said, that it is considering several options to respond to the situation and does not preclude, that the recent publication WikiLeaks may have violated several laws of Australia.

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Australia has submitted an application for Chempionata mira Cup 2022

Aвстрaлия пoдaлa зaявку нa прoвeдeниe Чeмпиoнaтa мирa пo футбoлу-2022 Avstraliyskaya zayavka nA Chempionat mira 2022 G. Last time was proverena FIFA nA sootvetstvie etalonam etoy ogranizatsii.

Proverka Futbolnoy Federatsii Avstralii (FFA) и ee зaявки нa ЧМ-2022 былa нaчaтa ФИФA пoслe утвeрждeний o нeпoдoбaющeм пoвeдeнии aвстрaлийскиx футбoльныx чинoвникoв, o chem soobschalos kontse in June and July nachale.

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