


Emu ( Dromaius novaehollandiae) - Bird squad kazuaroobraznyh, inhabiting Australia Tasmania.
Emu resembles казуара, but do not have a "helmet" and skinny outgrowths on the neck. Height about emu 2 Metres away, weight reaches 50 pounds, when running emu can reach speeds 50 kilometers per hour, also nice to swim.
Emu feed mostly in the early morning, feed on fruits, roots, grass and other plant food.
In courtship the male and female emus are opposite each other, heads bowed to the ground shake them. Then the male leads the female to the nest made by him, which is a pit lined with grass, bark, foliage and branches.



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Виктория (Victoria) Victoria (Victory) - State of the south-eastern Australia, The smallest state in the territory of the mainland. Victoria Square is 237 629 км (6-place among the Australian states),the state's population 5,012 million. The capital and largest city - Melbourne.

Over 80% residents living in two cities – in the capital, Melbourne (3,3 Million) and r. Geelong. Main mineral resources of Victoria – energy. In the Latrobe Valley brown coal is extracted, used in thermal power plants. In Bass Strait are being developed oil and gas. Victoria – the main supplier of fuel oil in the country.

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Flinders River

Река Флиндерс (Flinders River)Flinders (Flinders River) - The longest river in the Australian state Квинсленд.

The length of Flinedrs 1004 км, and the basin area - about 109 708 км. Among the largestkm the tributaries of the river Cloncurry and Saxby.

Flinders fountain located in the south-western slopes of the Gregory, are part of the Great Dividing Range, near Kargun.

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