
Harbour Bridge – One of the main attractions of Sydney


Мост Харбор-Бридж ( Harbour Bridge ) - The largest bridge Sydney and one of the largest steel arch bridge in the world, which is one of the main attractions of Sydney, New Year's Eve "spoke" to the 16 languages ​​of the world.



So the words "Welcome to Sydney" than the traditional English, with the help of laser technology is projected in Russian, Chinese, Greek, Arabic and language of the indigenous inhabitants of Australia – Aboriginal.

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Short-tailed skink, короткохвост

Short-tailed skink, короткохвост (Tiliqua rugosa) - Short-tailed species sineyazykogo skink, living in the steppes, deserts and semi-deserts in the South and zwestern Australia,up to the northern Квинсленда. Besides, short-tailed skink lives in the eastern states Victoria and New South Wales, but it does not occur in coastal areas.

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Sineyazykie skinks, giant lizards or smooth tilikvy

Sineyazykie skinks, giant lizards or smooth tilikvy ( Tiliqua) - Kind of plate-tailed lizards of the family, live from deserts to rainforests throughout Australia and Tasmania.

Sineyazykie skinks are full-time, ground-based lifestyle, adhere to the single life, highly territorial and aggressive to other individuals of its species.
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