
Australia is struggling with offshore companies, all pay and Google too


The Australian Government is preparing amendments to the tax laws of the country, that should significantly increase revenue by closing loopholes, enabling corporations, including Google, hiding offshore revenues and avoid taxation.



Deputy Minister of Finance of Australia David Brjedber said, Google Australia and many other companies have resorted to an offshore scheme «dual Irish-Dutch sandwich», to avoid paying Canberra taxes in full.

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Distrust and drop the rating of the Government of Australia

Despite statements by the Prime Minister Julia Gillard, it «lead the party in the elections to the 2013 Year», louder hear appeals in favor of no confidence in the Government of Australia.
For this was a series of scandals, erupted recently in the ruling party, which led to a sharp drop in the rating of the Government of Australia.

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Сигареты Winfield – favorite cigarette Australians?!

Табачная компания British American Tobacco, which sues Australian government for the abolition of the law branded packs,Europe launched Winfield cigarettes with images on them kangaroo and a map of Australia. Winfield on cigarette packs and printed slogan «Favorite cigarette Australians».

The Australian Government has expressed its dissatisfaction with the, that the tobacco company British American Tobacco used the Australian national symbols on cigarette packs.
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